Welcome to the world of Red Hot Mama

What began as a silly thought, has totally evolved.....this story began at jpitts.tumblr.com. This is a place to capture sights, sounds and moments that impacted me....I hope you enjoy!

Saturday, June 26, 2010


Depending on how well you know me, you may or may not know my story of camping....so let me tell you my story!

Growing up my parents always joked that their idea of camping was a "Holiday Inn with a black and white tv!"  So I grew up thinking the exact same thing.  But when my parents starting sending me to spend summers in Texas with my family, my grandparents, aunts and uncles thought they would be adventurous and test my ability to withstand a night in a tent in Colorado or New Mexico....usually my cousins (all boys) would put some rubber snake in my sleeping bag and I would run to the pop-up where my grandparents were sleeping! 

Needless to say, I got all the way to college saying "Camping is not my idea of a fun time."  Then I started dating a wonderful guy named Justin who loved to camp.  He desperately wanted to take me on a trip and see if he could change my mind and I finally agreed....he had planned two nights in a very nice state park in North Carolina where I had a bathroom and a "cold" shower.  We had such a great time that we stayed for two extra nights.....and so there it is, my story of how I evolved into a camper....now, telling you that story doesn't mean I am into "roughing" it.  I am a tried and true GLAMPER!!!!!  Anyone who has gone with me to Bonnaroo, knows I come prepared!  Well, not to this degree but wow, wouldn't it be nice?

Photos courtesy of Kelley Moore

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