Welcome to the world of Red Hot Mama

What began as a silly thought, has totally evolved.....this story began at jpitts.tumblr.com. This is a place to capture sights, sounds and moments that impacted me....I hope you enjoy!

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Things to never say to a FABULOUS single person...

I am one of those very rare individuals who is actually quite happy being single.  Now, some of you probably don't believe me but it is very, very true.  I can tell you that I have heard everything under the sun but the one that always gets me "Why is a nice girl like you still single?"  It's totally ridiculous and I usually hear it at a wedding or engagement party or on a first date which is truly the very worst thing you can say on a date. 

I am still single because I have chosen to wait for my partner, a relationship that will last....I know many people who are in their second marriage or are unhappy in their relationship.  I, on the other hand, will not have to suffer through a "starter marriage" or a lot of growing pains that people who get married too young have to endure.  When I find Mr. Right, he will be my partner and my best friend not just someone who will take care of me.  Because quite frankly, I can take very good care of myself without some man doing that for me!

So, another fabulous single friend sent me this article from Glamour magazine and I wanted to share it with you.  PLEASE take note and know that most people who are single could very easily go out and find a relationship.  But those people who choose to be single are happy and will not settle with something that doesn't feel right.  Those are the people who say "I'd rather be single and happy than unhappy in a relationship" and really mean it.  And yes, I AM talking about me :)  This does not mean, I am not looking or open to finding Mr. Right, it just means, I am not losing sleep over the fact that I am still single and about to celebrate ANOTHER birthday.  So, if you have someone in mind, please let me know!!!

19 Things You Should Never Say to a Single Person

A Glamour dating blogger collected of 19 of the most-hated, tired and depressing clichés about being single. Read them, and swear never to use them on any of your single friends. Ever.

By Erin Meanley

"Since we could all use a good laugh, I asked some friends and Twitter followers to send in their most hated adages. I know you've heard them all before (obviously), but I just couldn't believe how many there were! Here's a tiny compilation. Enjoy — today, they're not directed at you!

1. It happens when you're not looking.
"This is just bull. Some people find people when they're looking; some don't. You're not doing anything wrong by going out and meeting people." —Beth

2. There are plenty of fish in the sea.
"I dated a guy whose last name was Fish. People just had a BLAST with that one." —Kelly

3. So, why are you single?
"I generally dislike this question. I mean honestly, if I knew why, I don't think I would be single right now, now would I?!" —Erica

4. You're too picky.
"This may be true, but it feels like I'm getting criticized for my taste, vision, and close-mindedness — when I'm already down." —Sarah

5. You'll find the right person for you.

6. He's out there.

7. It was just bad timing.
"Like it's so easy to dismiss a guy on such an emotionless and objective reason." —Taryn

8. Just have fun with it!
"Um, don't tell me how to date in my thirties when you got married at 24." —Maya

9. Have you tried online dating?
"Duh!" —Elisa

10. He just wasn't the right guy for you.
"I know! That's what I'm complaining about!" —Elisa

11. Well, when my boyfriend and I first got together…
"Wait, I still want to talk about me." —Elisa

12. When the time is right, you will meet someone.

13. Wow, I wish I were single and in your shoes!
"Really?! I'm pretty sure you CAN be single if you actually want to be. That there is an attainable dream, so if you aren't messing with me right now out of pity (which I suspect you are), please go for it!" —Kim

14. Your turn next [at weddings].
—Natlondon, via Twitter

15. It will happen when you least expect it.
—dlegas05, via Twitter

16. Some guy is going to come along and ruin your career/life plans.
"I am 32 and no one has ruined the last 10 years of plans." —frolicblog, via Twitter

17. But you're so pretty! Why don't you have a boyfriend?
"There's just no graceful way to answer that." —earnesteats, via Twitter

18. It just wasn't meant to be.
"Any of these platitudes are exponentially more annoying when coming from the mouths of smug marrieds." —Reberoodle, via Twitter

19. Sure, my guy rescues kids from abusive homes, donated my sister a kidney, and picks up fresh flowers for me daily on his way home from work, but will he QUIT IT with the sports on TV already?
"Single people just hate to be complained to about petty relationship stuff. If you do this, I'm not going to want to hang out with you. (In fact, maybe I'll call your boyfriend and ask him if he wants to grab a beer and watch the Yankees game?)" —Kim

Bottom line, if you're in a relationship or married and you don't have any specific, original advice or wisdom for your single friend—and you must use an established saying — we would prefer to hear neutral ones like, "This too shall pass" or "Take it one day at a time." They are so much more helpful and comforting — you have no idea!

Also of note: not one person I polled mentioned they were tired of hearing, "He's just not that into you." I think that's because it's not condescending. And apparently, it's not overused. So that one is still okay to say. For now."

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